Wydawnictwo DiG, Warszawa, 2013 Price: 47,00 PLN.
A collection of biographical entries of members of the Dzieduszycki family of the older generation started by Great Cupbearer of the Crown Tadeusz Gerwazy. It is rich in photographs from the collections of the author,of the Dzieduszycki family, and of the Dzieduszycki Museum in Zarzecze.
As part of its educational activities, the Museum organizes museum classes. Students of the Public Secondary School in Pruchnik visited the Dzieduszycki Museum and the Park and Palace in Zarzecze.
They signed up for a class that presented the Dzieduszycki Palace in Zarzecze as an example of a 19th-century residence.
Visiting Lviv. The State Museum of Natural History in Ukraine, formerly the Dzieduszycki Family Natural History Museum in Lviv, was reopened after a twenty-year break with a new exhibition entitled "Journey to the Past" ceremonially opened by Director of the Musuem Jurij Czarnobay and Mayor of Lviv Andrij Sadowy on December 18th, 2012. The exhibition presented around two hundred items, the most valuable of which were a mammoth skeleton and a cast of a woolly rhinoceros, a famous finding from Starunia. Discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, the well-preserved remains of the extinct Pleistocene mammals became a sensation. These unique specimens made the Dzieduszycki Family Natural History Museum in Lviv, founded by Count Włodzimierz Dzieduszycki, world famous. At present, much effort is being made to restore it to its former glory. The Museum received a ten-million Euro grant for a realization of the "Dynamic Museum" project whose goal is to create one of the best museums in Europe in the next three years. The opening of the Museum is scheduled after the completion of the project in 2015.